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Changing or cancelling your overdraft facility

Arrange it easily yourself

If you want to increase, reduce or cancel your overdraft facility, that’s no problem. See how it works and do it easily yourself. Tip: if your income has changed, adjust your limit to a maximum of your net income. This will make sure that you aren’t overdrawn for too long.

Rood Staan (overdraft)

Privélimiet Plus credit facility

How do you want to change your Privélimiet Plus? 

Change another credit facility

If you have another credit facility, such as a credit facility on your personal account, a privésalarisrekening, Privélimiet, Kwartaalkrediet, Betaalkrediet or Vaste limiet, you can only cancel these.

Cancelling your registration with BKR

An overdraft facility is a type of loan, even if you don’t use it. If you cancel this facility, we will cancel your registration with the Dutch Credit Registration Office (BKR). BKR will retain your details for five years after that.

Difficulty paying

It’s sometimes difficult to pay on time. You may have unexpectedly high costs, for example, or your income may have dropped temporarily.

Need help changing your overdraft facility?

If you have any questions about changing or cancelling an overdraft facility, we’re always happy to help.